3 unique energy healing practices beginners should try

energy healing

Are you ready to transform your energy and enhance your well-being?

Well, energy healing can be an eye-opening experience, offering a new perspective on holistic health for beginners.

Whether you’re drawn to the gentle touch of Reiki, the soothing vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls, or the grounding energy of crystal therapy, one thing is for sure:

Each method provides a unique way to balance and rejuvenate your inner energy.

This article highlights 3 unique energy healing practices that are not only effective but also beginner-friendly. Let’s explore these transformative techniques together!

The essence of energy healing

Energy healing is an umbrella term for various practices focused on restoring and balancing the body’s natural energy flow.

These practices are rooted in the belief that each individual possesses a life force or energy field, which when blocked or disrupted, can lead to physical or emotional discomfort.

Energy healing techniques work to clear these blockages and stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities.

They range from ancient practices like Reiki and Qigong, to more contemporary ones such as Healing Touch and EFT Tapping.

Each technique employs different methods.

For instance, some use light touch, others involve specific movements or focus on breathing techniques.

As a beginner, it’s crucial to explore different practices and find one that resonates with you, aligns with your comfort level, and meets your wellness goals.

Taht’s why I decided to discuss 7 popular energy healing practices that you can explore.

1) Reiki: A gentle, hands-on approach

Reiki, originating from Japan, is one of the most recognized energy healing practices. It’s based on the concept that a universal life force energy flows through us.

According to Reiki practitioners, physical or emotional issues can arise when this energy flow is disrupted.

As a hands-on healing method, Reiki involves the practitioner placing their hands lightly on or just above the client’s body, with the intent of facilitating the person’s own healing response.

It’s non-invasive and considered safe for everyone.

So, what are the potential benefits of Reiki?

They are wide-ranging.

Firstly, it may help reduce stress and anxiety. It may also assist in pain management, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being.

However, starting a Reiki practice requires training from a qualified Reiki Master.

Training typically involves three levels, each focusing on different aspects of practice – from self-healing to healing others and distant healing.

I know for beginners, it might seem daunting.

But here’s the thing: it’s a rewarding journey that offers profound insights into self-healing and well-being.

2) Pranic healing: Harnessing life energy

Next on our list is Pranic Healing, a system developed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

It uses prana, or life energy, to balance, harmonize, and transform the body’s energy processes.

Pranic healing is a simple yet powerful technique that works on the principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself.

It involves scanning the human aura to detect the imbalances of energy, then cleansing and energizing it to restore balance and harmony.

To illustrate, let’s consider a common issue – stress.

A pranic healer would first scan your aura to identify any disruptions in energy flow. They would then cleanse the affected chakras, removing negative energy using specific hand movements.

Following this, they’d energize these chakras with fresh prana to restore balance.

Note that pranic healing offers a different perspective on energy healing practices, focusing on the aura rather than chakras or meridians.

Therefore, it’s a practice that requires more focus and precision but offers profound benefits.

3) Qigong: The power of movement and breath

Moving forward, let’s explore Qigong – an ancient Chinese practice that combines movement, meditation, and breath regulation to enhance our life force or ‘Qi’.

The primary aim of Qigong is to cultivate and balance Qi.

For beginners, you might be wondering, what does a typical Qigong session look like?

Well, it usually involves slow, deliberate movements, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind.

You can practice Qigong standing, sitting, or lying down making it accessible for everyone.

Practicing Qigong may offer a range of health benefits. These include improved physical strength and balance, stress management, better sleep quality, and an overall sense of well-being.

  • Physical strength: The slow, controlled movements aid in improving physical strength and flexibility.
  • Balance: Qigong exercises can enhance your balance and stability.
  • Stress management: The meditative aspect of Qigong can help manage stress and promote relaxation.
  • Sleep quality: Regular practice can potentially improve sleep quality.

Starting your journey in Qigong does not require any special equipment.

You only need enough space to stretch out your arms. There are many resources available online to get you started on your Qigong journey.

energy healing practices

Finding the right energy healing practice for you

As you can see, the world of energy healing is vast and varied, and it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Each of us is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

That’s why you should find what resonates with you and aligns with your personal wellness goals.

As we’ve explored a variety of practices, you might have felt a pull towards one or two techniques.

And you know what?

That’s a great starting point.

But let’s be clear: embarking on an energy healing journey is a personal exploration of the self and your well-being.

So, don’t just rush to master a technique. Instead, try to be open to the experience, learning, growing, and discovering what helps you feel balanced and at peace.


Energy healing practices offer a holistic approach to wellness, integrating physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

It’s a pathway towards personal evolution, fostering self-awareness and introspection.

Among these 3 practices:

  • Reiki is a good choice if you’re looking for a simple, non-invasive method that you can learn quickly. It’s also highly adaptable and can be practiced virtually anywhere.
  • Qigong, on the other hand, might appeal if you’re interested in a practice that combines physical movement with meditation and breath regulation. It requires a bit more dedication as it involves learning and performing specific movements.
  • Pranic Healing could be suitable if you’re interested in working directly with your aura and don’t mind a slightly more complex system.

Ultimately, the goal is not mastery over a particular technique but finding what resonates with your personal wellness journey.

Aria Sun

Aria Sun

I'm Aria, living in San Francisco, and I'm your go-to person for all things spirituality. With a love for meditation and a curiosity for life's mysteries, I write about finding balance in the chaos. My goal? To help you find peace in the everyday and connect with your inner self. When I'm not writing, you can find me hiking the trails of Northern California or deep in a yoga session, always seeking new ways to connect with the world around me.

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