How I used aromatherapy to recover from a broken heart and regain my self-esteem

aromatherapy for self-esteem

Before diving headfirst into the world of aromatherapy three years ago, I had always dismissed it as “just a fad” or “some new-age mumbo jumbo.”

Like many, I believed that the scent of a candle or essential oil couldn’t possibly mend a broken heart or boost one’s self-esteem.

And yet, here I am, a living testament to the contrary.

Believe it or not, I started aromatherapy after a devastating breakup that left me grappling with self-doubt and emotional turmoil.

Like most people, I sought comfort in friends, family, and copious amounts of ice cream. But I found myself still yearning for something more.

Something that would help me reconnect with myself and regain my confidence.

On a whim, I decided to give aromatherapy a go. Little did I know that this decision would change my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Now, three years later and in a much better emotional space, it still amazes me how something as simple as scent could make such an impact on my life.

So here’s my story – the tale of how aromatherapy helped me mend a broken heart and regain my self-esteem.

Discovering the power of Aromatherapy

My introduction to aromatherapy was nothing short of serendipitous.

A chance encounter at a wellness convention led me to a booth promoting essential oils.

The woman behind the booth, a certified aromatherapist, welcomed me with a warm smile and an open bottle of lavender oil. The scent was soothing, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of peace.

Intrigued, I decided to explore more about this captivating world.

I began attending workshops, reading research papers, and even enrolling in an online course. My learning process was gradual but enlightening.

Each day, I discovered something new – from the science behind how scents affect our mood to the art of blending oils for desired effects.

I started incorporating aromatherapy into my daily routine, treating it as a form of self-care.

Every morning, I would diffuse a blend of citrus oils to kickstart my day with positivity. In the evenings, I would relax with lavender or ylang-ylang to help ease my anxious thoughts.

But it wasn’t just about the scents. It was also about taking time for myself – to breathe, relax, and heal.

And let me tell you, with every inhale of these captivating fragrances, I was slowly learning to love myself again.

Challenging the Aromatherapy skeptics

As my experience with aromatherapy deepened, I started sharing my journey with others.

To my surprise, many people were skeptical. They questioned how smelling a certain scent could possibly improve one’s emotional well-being.

This skepticism isn’t entirely unfounded, considering that aromatherapy often gets lumped with other alternative therapies that lack rigorous scientific backing.

But what most people overlook is that our sense of smell is strongly linked to our emotions and memories.

In fact, our olfactory system – the part of our brain responsible for our sense of smell – is directly connected to the limbic system, which controls emotions and memory.

This means that certain scents can trigger powerful emotional responses, helping us to release pent-up feelings and heal.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that aromatherapy is a cure-all or a replacement for professional help when needed. However, from my personal experience, it’s been a valuable tool in my healing process and self-love journey.

How I use aromatherapy in my daily routine

The most important thing here is consistency.

I found that the consistency of this practice had a profound effect on my emotional well-being.

Here’s how I did it, and how you can do it too:

1) I started my day with a refreshing blend of citrus oils. The invigorating scent of lemon, grapefruit, and orange oils helped set a positive tone for the day. I simply added a few drops to my diffuser as I got ready in the morning.

2) Throughout the day, I kept a small roller bottle of lavender and chamomile oils handy.

Whenever I felt overwhelmed or anxious, I’d apply a bit on my wrists and take a few deep breaths.

This became my go-to method for instant calming effects.

3) In the evenings, I opted for a relaxing blend of ylang-ylang and sandalwood in my bath.

This ritual not only helped me wind down before bed but also served as a reminder to take time for self-care.

Remember, this was my personal routine that worked for me.

The beauty of aromatherapy is that it can be customized to suit your needs and preferences. You might prefer different scents or find other ways to incorporate them into your day.

Oh, and don’t forget about the second most important thing — be mindful during the process!

Taking a holistic view of healing

In my journey with aromatherapy, I’ve learned that there’s more to healing and self-love than just diffusing essential oils.

In fact, it’s more about taking responsibility for your emotional well-being, challenging societal norms, and living life on your own terms.

Here are the key points I’ve learned:

  • Take ownership of your emotions, even when it’s tough.
  • Question societal expectations – you don’t have to follow the crowd.
  • Acknowledge your struggles, but don’t let them define you.
  • Live according to your values and desires, not someone else’s.
  • Embrace self-development as an ongoing journey, not a destination.

Aromatherapy has been a powerful tool in my healing process, but remember that it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

Healing takes time and patience. It requires us to face our pain, understand its roots, and consciously choose to move forward.

Aria Sun

Aria Sun

I'm Aria, living in San Francisco, and I'm your go-to person for all things spirituality. With a love for meditation and a curiosity for life's mysteries, I write about finding balance in the chaos. My goal? To help you find peace in the everyday and connect with your inner self. When I'm not writing, you can find me hiking the trails of Northern California or deep in a yoga session, always seeking new ways to connect with the world around me.

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